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Av A & J - 16 oktober 2015 11:00


The 16 hour nap was amazing. And if we hadn't planned a kickass day at the beach I could easily have slept passed both ten, eleven and twelve a.m Exhaustion had a face and that face was mine. But bunny did a good job kicking me out of bed and making me a delicious cup of noodles. High budget life ✌️

We met up with Thomas, took the MTR to Shau Kei Wan and from there we grabbed a bus to Shek-O beach. Bus fare was 6.90 HK$ per ticket.
Shau Kei Wan and Shek-O is still on HK island so I really didn't expect to be able to swim and tan just 30 min from the heart of the city. The weather was perfect and after some serious waves and a cider we had lunch at a local restaurant. The portions was huge, the food delicious and going Dutch landed us on a total of 115 HK $ each. And you usually don't tip.

After Shek-O we headed back to our hostel, showered and got ready for dinner. Thomas invited us to join him and his friends for something called hot pot and even if I thought the food was okey bunny wasn't all that impressed. He was weirded out by everything coming separately and he didn't get the feeling of having a "dinner meal" per say. The company was nice though, the atmosphere lively, the room very steamy and the waitresses rude and in general it was a good evening.
Something my stomach wasn't all that appreciative of sadly. At one point I was praying to all gods known to man to heed my wish and spare me from the demons inside. Eventually they did and after an awkward visit to the powderroom in a random coffee shop we went to an amfie theatre where there was a huge outdoor party, free of charge, with a bring your own drinks policy and with DJs playing until 01.
After dinner and drinks we did fuck things up by not making the last MTR at 00.50 back to the Kowloon side so we had to get a taxi to get back and apparently the taxi drivers aren't that keen on driving thru the tunnel. But finally we found one that would take us and I was forever grateful. Even when I thought the driver would fall asleep then and there as his blinking got slower and slower and he started to nod off just so very slightly. The ride was thankfully not that long and was over in about 15 min.

We noticed that they do service differently in HK and China. There doesn't seem to be a need to be nice or polite at work and we've had both waitresses, cashiers and drivers with the worst attitude and it has been quite entertaining to go out for dinner and shop in grocery stores.

Since we're on a budget of 10 000 a month, which ruffly translates into around 334 kr a day, we decided to get our basic supplies from the supermarket and to try to keep the eating out to once a day. We did alright in HK considered it being the most expensive city in the world but we blew the budget sky high when we were in Finland and Vasa. So we were already more than 2000 over budget arriving to HK. As we were doing the math we both cringed and cried a little but Finland was such an amazing experience so how can you regret it? We're counting on to make up for it in Thailand.
In other words our breakfast was mainly noodles in a cup, bananas and apples. And even if the backpacker lifestyle is all about stretching your budget it's worth every second of it. We're happy. And that, our beloved friends and family, is the only thing that matters.

Av A & J - 15 oktober 2015 17:30


Wow well let's see. The trip over was long. We left Vasa in Finland 1600 hours on the 13th to get to Helsinki and our flight wasn't until 07.45 on the 14th. We changed flights in Rome and landed in Hong Kong six in the morning on the 15th. I slept the three hours between Helsinki and Rome and basically not for a single second more. Bunny on the other hand was asleep 50% of the time. But I did get the chance to see Spy, Tomorrowland, Inside out and something I can not recall. Insomnia will do that to you. Give you temporary Alzheimer's and before you know it, you're putting your pants over your head and singing time to say goodbye as you squat over the middle of the aisle guarding your Precious, which happens to be a discarded banana peel from last flight. Nah. It wasn't quite that bad. But it could have been.

Well we made it to HK and got something called airport express cards which costs HK$ 300, includes 2 trips to the airport and is an all you can ride card for 72 hours. When you're here as a tourist you do a lot of riding back and forth on the MTR and you can easily use up to 70-80-100 HK$ on one day. If you're sightseeing that is. So it was a good deal. You also get 50 HK$ back when you turn in the cards at the end of your stay. (After 72 hours we got something as genius as an Octopus card. Which also costs 50HK$ for a card itself and then you just deposit as much as you want to carry around on it. If you don't want to handle cash I would set it up for about 400 a day and then you're free to use it at the subway, train, buss, store and, if you ever had to, pay bills with it as well. Pure genius.)

Anyhow. We arrived on the Kowloon side which was going to be our home for the next week but since it was still 07.30 in the morning we couldn't check in so we spent two hours at McDonald's and 90 min down by the waterfront where we found these awesome fake grassed wagons that was a part of an art exhibit. We chilled out on one of those and I swear that that was the fastest hour in my life. Laid down and I was down and out. We did managed to check in early and 30 min later Thomas met us outside Chunking Mansion which is the very special place where we're staying. He took us for a walk on HK island, up towards Mid levels, Soho and back down again. We passed a place called Lotus and had some thaifood. 68HKkr per person. Which covered both food and drinks. We went back to the hostel around five and at 18.30 I passed out and had a nice 16 hour nap.

High life baby.

Av A & J - 14 oktober 2015 03:44


After six great days filled of alcohol (sorry dad), birthday celebrations, new words and sausages we headed over to our beer drinking, sauna bathing, Saturday sausage loving neighbours to the north; Finland. We had an epic reunion planned and epic it was. Aside of eating like pampered pigs we handled shotguns and handguns, buildt randome fires for sausage grilling, spent hours roadtripping and spent a few days apart. Our two amazing friends Jenna and Olav picked us up at the airport and back im Vasa Marika The Fixer was waiting with freshly baked cookies and an adorable sign saying "Bunny and Boo" with some seriously lifelike animations to it. Jenna and Olav was suppose to bring it to the airport but they totally chickened out. Anyways. The evening was spent at Strampen with an delicious three coarse dinner and wine. Then we tried, like really tried, to get our party on but shit just wasn't happening. So we went home for an early night and some serious R'n'R. 

Friday came and with it some serious pigging out. I'll chalk it down for you

- huge breakfast

- beer tasting at Bocks

- Hessburger for lunch

- "fika" (oh the so glorious coffe with cake that all swedes do) at Sweet Wasa

- serious dinner at Amarillo

then girls night out with like a trillion shots and last but not least:

- Hessburger on the way home from the pub

at this point bunny went with the guy part of our party to the deep woods of Eskola for some serious man-time. Birds were shot, alcohol was consumed and toilets were no more. They did on the other hand have a poop house that everyone was sincerely happy with. At retrieval day I myself peed behind it. I need to be drunk to get it done. 

And as as my dear bunny enjoyed some strict testosterone times I myself got down and dipping with the girls. We did complete a full on evening out and when Saturday rolled around we went all in with dipp, veggies and, hold on to your holsters; liquorish tea. It was super mysigt. And needed. 

So between Sunday and Tuesday we got some mushroom picking down, we washed our clothes, ate some more and enjoyed an evening of shotting rum, Lithuanian style, with snacks and cheesesballs.

Av A & J - 13 oktober 2015 20:45


Our epic life long dream trip, or as bunny would put it "the YOLO trip", actually started in Lithuania. Since his birthday is on the 4th of October I decided to fly down so I wouldn't miss a thing. It was an interesting trip getting there but well in place totally worth creepy, smelly bus guy, insomnia and period pains. True love people. That's some true love for ya. Anyways we managed to remember to get some pictures of the new sightseeing place close to bunnys village and its basically a bridge built among the treetops with a high view tower in the end. The day way beautiful, the sun was shining and life was all rainbows and unicornfarts. So if you're ever in the area make sure to see it. 


Av A & J - 13 oktober 2015 20:25


We're bunny and boo. And we are going to Asia. So to make it easier for ourselves and for our families and friends we decided to just start a blogg. We love you guys and we will try to keep you updated. 



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